As a rule, man is a fool / When it's hot, he wants it cool / When it's cool, he wants it hot /
Always wanting what it's not, / Never wanting what he's got.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Things I love about Emily right now:

1) A rooster says "Cock-a-dock-a-doo".
2) When she gets hurt she asks for a "bam-baid".
3) She pronounces the word orange, "orshange".
4) I love it when she giggles. Emily was not a giggly baby. She's always been very generous with smiles, but not especially inclined to giggle. So, I love it when she feels silly and gets the giggles.
5) Emily is still refining her potty skills so she spends most of her time at home bottomless. Yep. No pull-ups, no undies, no pants. And more often than not she is completely naked. The other day I looked over to see her coloring at the table...naked...except for a pair of adult sized fuzzy socks. Awesome sauce.

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